Professional Society of Warriors


Society of Warriors

Aligning veterans and their families with training programs through career and technical training programs which lead to life-sustaining jobs.

A network of resources and direct service for military personnel to improve job employment resources; strategically implementing program effectiveness.

Development & Implementation
Actively bringing our services to businesses, peers, associates, and acquaintances that offer needs and opportunities uniquely available to our warriors. 


COLLABORATIVE EFFORT Whether your current goal is to secure a job, enhance your existing career, or to start or develop a business, we are here to help you achieve your goals. See more  


This is YOUR opportunity!
There’s a career in I.T. waiting for you!  We’ll guide you on your path toward receiving training and certification, and provide resources assisting your secure placement!

If you aspire to a high-paying career in Information Technology and you need to get there faster, more effectively, and more affordably than traditional college will allow, you’ve come to the right place.

Attend in Person at One of Multiple Locations or via 
Online LIVE IT Training Available Nationwide   
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Learning that fits your lifestyle
With live online learning, you can learn at home on a schedule that fits rather than fights your life. You’ll complete your training and start your career in months instead of years. 
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Certifications in High Demand
More than any degree, specific IT certifications tell employers you have the exact skills they’re looking for. The certifications you can receive virtually ensure your employ-ability and dramatically increase your earning power. 

Hands-On Training with Live Online Instruction
You’re never completely "on your own". Not only will you attend live instructor-led classes online, but assistance from instructors, mentors, classmates and others is only a click away. And lab-based learning gives you the hands-on experience you need.

Fast Job Placement and LIFETIME Career Advancement Support Your professional development starts before your first class and you could begin working in as few as 3 to 4 months. PLUS you’ll have career advancement support for a lifetime after you graduate.  

Quality Assurance Our client is nationally accredited by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET) recognized by the US Department of Education and participates in Federal financial aid programs authorized under Title IV of the US Higher Education Act of 1965 and other government programs. These affiliations help assure you of a quality learning experience and help to make your education affordable. 

HERE’S HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS The majority of students work full-time. Requiring that you come to a class four or five days or nights every week could be overwhelming if not impossible—even before your personal responsibilities are considered. With live online programs you can complete your certification training without leaving your home and when your schedule will allow! 

You’ll enjoy:
Flexible Schedules. Your instruction is comprised of a combination of scheduled live, instructor-led “virtual” classroom sessions, and a library of online video presentations and lab simulations that you’ll work into your schedule when you choose. You may choose day or evening classes for your in-class training (typically 2-times a week) and work on your out of class assignments anytime you want.

Earning all of the same certifications as traditional students. Access to unlimited mentoring, including group and 1-on-1 sessions to help ensure you understand and can apply the material successfully.
EVERYTHING you’ll need to earn your IT certification is included in the program, so there are no hidden fees or materials costs. 

What exactly does “everything” mean?
A New Laptop
Interactive Videos
Reference material
Practice exams
Test-pass Assurance
Career Advancement Training
Lifetime Career Services (Placement)

WHAT THIS ALL MEANS FOR YOU Upon engaging this program, you’re entering a comprehensive IT career development program that will empower you to earn the certifications and skills you need for a long and rewarding career in IT. This includes top certifications from Microsoft, CompTIA, and CISCO, as well as the coveted Certified Ethical Hacker certification from EC-Council. 
 See more  

Whether your current goal is to secure a job, enhance your existing career, or to start or develop a business, we are here to help you achieve your goals. As the global economy moves more towards a service-oriented, information exchange-based model, we are becoming ever more dependent on high tech solutions.   

A New Career - A Higher Income - A Better Life For YOU!
This is a fantastic choice for veterans looking to transition to civilian life by becoming an IT professional. If you sign up, you could be eligible for financial aid through the GI Bill and Veterans  Administration programs. 

Together, we’re able to give our nation’s finest the tools they need to play a supportive role in the community and the workforce. Our clientele, a collective of professionals with exceptional knowledge and experience in the field of Information Technology, can help you build and refine the skills to earn professional certifications in high demand in this industry. With or without a college degree, these certifications can position you for high earnings as an IT pro. 


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